Since I had read and heard plenty of great things about meditation, I wanted to try it by myself. Because just one or two times weren’t enough for me, I decided to go through The 30 Day Meditation Challenge. This experiment was solely my idea but finding the course offered a wonderful tool for more than just a try.

The 30 Day Meditation Challenge was provided by jbittersweet on her Youtube channel. You can find The 30 Day Meditation Challenge here. When I’m writing this article in Mid-July, the Challenge has gathered almost 300 000 views.

During the Summer in Finland, I’ve had a feeling of trying something new – totally different. At first, The 30 Day Meditation Challenge seemed to be too much. But after taking a closer look at the daily schedule and the length of the videos, it wasn’t that bad at all.

Beginning The 30 Day Meditation Challenge

Body Mind Spirit

The 30 Day Meditation Challenge offers one video for watching per day for a one month period. All the videos before day 14 are under 10 minutes long. With that being said, every one of us can arrange that amount of time per day for the wellbeing. If not, you have to arrange 20 minutes in that case.

After day 15 or so, videos begin to be over 20 minutes long. Nonetheless, some days still offer under 10 minutes of relaxation.

Meditation posture

You must admit it is quite a difficult to sit silent without your own thoughts and just breath a couple of minutes at the beginning. But after few days you kind of start to be eager and look forward of completing the task of the day. It will become easier and easier to sit those minutes. In addition, you begin to control your thoughts and can push them away during the meditation.

I stumbled upon one very good tip from some podcast handling the meditation theme. Whenever thoughts arrive into your head during a meditation break, quietly say to yourself: Not right now. You’ll notice them disappearing as fast as they arrived in the first place.

The instructor, jbittersweet, guides you through all the videos. Furthermore, she explains very clearly and in detail what kind of practice is coming. Your job is just to follow her guidance. She’ll present all the chakras beginning from the root.

It is kind of difficult to stay awake when doing this relaxing course. Especially during Day 16 you might fall asleep very fast… 🙂

My thoughts after the course

After completing the 30 Day Meditation Challenge, I most certainly felt myself lighter and more conscious. There are so much variation between the videos during the month that it’s impossible to get bored. Just remember to take it seriously and go through the whole challenge.


You will get more energy and boost for your life from meditation. If you haven’t had a chance to familiarize yourself to meditation yet, The 30 Day Meditation Challenge is a wonderful way to dive into the practice.

I wish you thoughless times!

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