Things to Do to Relax While Traveling

Things to Do to Relax While Traveling

Traveling takes you on an exciting adventure and you can go anywhere in the world. But, one thing that not a lot of people talk about is how exhausting it can be. You are constantly on the move and exploring new towns and cities. Whether you are sightseeing and doing...
How to Keep Your Crypto Safe While Traveling

How to Keep Your Crypto Safe While Traveling

Are you an avid traveler and interested in cryptocurrency? If the answer is yes, you are probably going to want to bring it with you and even use crypto on your trip. This can be very exciting, but you will have to be careful. Cryptocurrency is becoming more popular....
5 must-try foods in Thailand

5 must-try foods in Thailand

Thailand is an amazing place, with lots of diversity and plenty to see and do. That could explain why I’ve had to visit a couple of times so far! One of the best things about Thailand is the food. Most of the dishes do tend to err towards the spicy side, so if you...
Reaching the Goals Faster Than Expected

Reaching the Goals Faster Than Expected

Sometimes you’re reaching the goals way earlier than expected. When I founded the – blog approximately five months ago, I set a couple of goals for the first year. After hitting ‘Publish – button’ on that late October afternoon inside...