Flowing Firm

Location independent entrepreneur wandering around the world
Location Independent Entrepreneur

A flowing blog describing a location independent lifestyle for an internet marketing entrepreneur


Goal – To visit all continents and wake the nomadic person living inside you up

About Me


My name is Mikko Raespuro and I am a Finnish location independent entrepreneur in my thirties. Welcome to the Flowing Firm – blog (blog name comes playfully from running a location independent business)!

In this blog I will handle various stuff regarding my life such as traveling in tropical countries, working as a location independent internet marketer with a link building Finland business and living an expat life mainly in Europe and South East Asia together with my wife.

You can contact me via email mikko (a) flowingfirm.com.

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Where am I right now?

Check out my recent posts

5 must-try foods in Thailand

Thailand is an amazing place, with lots of diversity and plenty to see and do. That could explain why I’ve had to visit a couple of times so far! One of the best things about Thailand is the food. Most of the dishes do tend to err towards the spicy side, so if you...

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Thoughts After One Year of Blogging

Wow, the time has gone really fast! It’s been three days over one year since I published the first Flowing Firm blog post. There have been many memorable moments during the past year. We have experienced many ups and few downs both abroad and back in Finland. Here are...

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Colorful Autumn Vibes after Chilly Summer

After short and cold summer here in Southern Finland, we have luckily had a wonderfully colorful autumn vibes. There have recently been many warm and sunny afternoons. We receive those days with pleasure since it's irrevocably getting colder and colder as time goes...

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